The Computer Science Postgraduate Colloquium (CSPC) is an annual event organized by the Computer Science Postgraduate Society of the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

The purpose of the colloquium is to provide a platform for aspiring postgraduate research students to share their research findings, and exchange research tips and experiences with peers and experts. 

The research students can connect with fellow computer scientists and industry partners while making a meaningful contribution to the community by educating the public on the latest technological advancements in computer science.

Colloquium attendees can also expect to gain valuable insights as the keynote sessions are delivered by prestigious scholars and professional industry speakers.

Where we all gather and inspire one another

The CSPC'24 carries the theme "GradHive: Innovate, Dominate, Elevate," which is designed in resemblance with the main objective of the CSPC. The annual CSPC is a celebration of a year-long of research hard work where now we all gather and inspire one another by showcasing our research through activities such as the poster and three minute thesis competitions. 

Our Previous CSPCs

Computer Science Postgraduate Colloquium (CSPC) was first introduced in the year 2004. Since then, CSPC becomes a catalyst for Computer Science Postgraduate Students at the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia to gather with academics and industry to communicate ideas and to have constructive discussions for the advancement of knowledge and to move the nation forward as a whole. Most importantly, CSPC serves as a platform for research students to communicate their research and to expand research possibilities.


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